Bandit From Kayu Agung

Kayu Agung is a small city, about 70 km away from Palembang, South Sumatra Indonesia. The city is just like other small city. It is not so crowded and modern, but it has a unique thing to know. In the 70’s era (until now), there are so many people from this city go to other country, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, even America to make money not as workers, but as bandits called Duta (Indonesian language).

They make money by doing steal, rob, and pick pocket or something like that. Some of them have black magic so that they can do their job very well. The more interesting is, if they have much money from their job, they will set aside money for the poor or the needs.

Though Duta still exist until now, but they have difficulties to do their activities because of security equipments like CCTV and alarm. If you come to Kayu Agung, you will find some empty big houses, because the owner go abroad to be Duta/bandits.